Spirit of Peace Healing

Monthly online integration circles are a space for group sharing and discussion around integrating our healing experiences into our everyday lives. Sometimes it can be challenging or isolating going back into the 'real world' after your Ayahuasca or other plant medicine ceremonies and the integration circles are here for you to connect with others, chat and enjoy a safe space to process your healing journey. Where these meetings are primarily intended to support the post-ceremony process, there is room for discussion around all aspects of healing, self-discovery and spirituality and you don't have to have attended a medicine ceremony to join and participate. If you have any questions or topics you'd like to be discussed during the meeting, please write them in the box on the registration booking form when you sign up!
Attendance $10 USD.
Upcoming Circles
How do I join a meeting?
To register, click the 'Register Now' button below and you will be taken through the necessary steps to sign up and pay. Upon payment, you'll be sent the Zoom meeting link to sign into the meeting on the day you've selected.
You do need a Zoom account to attend the meetings, you can create a free account at zoom.com
Do I have to have attended an Ayahuasca or other plant medicine ceremony to join?
No! The circles are open for everyone who wishes to join a group meeting to support their healing process and self-exploration, Where a large proportion of participants have previously attended ceremonies or retreats it is not essential. The discussions and topics addressed during the meetings are dependent on the group that day and sometimes may not even involve plant medicine ceremonies. For those who are interested in potentially joining a ceremony or retreat in the future, these meetings can be a useful way to connect with others and hear a little more about the process.
I drank Ayahuasca at a different centre or with a different person, can I still join?
Yes! Everyone is welcome, you don't have to have attended a ceremony or event with us to attend the meeting. We always welcome new faces, new experiences and new perspectives.
How many people are in the meeting?
A minimum of three participants is needed for the meeting to go ahead - if you sign up and less than two other people join, you can choose to save your payment for a future meeting or other purchase or receive a refund, The meeting size is capped at 100 participants. To ensure that everyone gets the opportunity to contribute to the discussion, for every 15-20 people a breakout room will be created, guided by an experienced faciliator, for some of the meeting.
I'm in a different time zone, can I still attend?
Yes, you can join from any time zone. The listed times are in Eastern Standard Time so may need to adjust the time for the time zone that you're in.
Can I watch a replay at a later time?
No, for the confidentiality and security of all participants these meetings are not recorded and are accessible through attending the live group meetings only.